Home Film Wording Is Harder w/ Tahir Moore Feat. Jeff Horste

Wording Is Harder w/ Tahir Moore Feat. Jeff Horste [Video]


St. Louis comedian Tahir Moore constantly struggles with making words come out of his mouth correctly. Now weekly, Tahir challenges friends to a game of pronunciation titled Wording Is Harder. Each participant has to endure 5 difficult wording challenges with a fellow friend here to keep score and judge very harshly.

Jeff Horste likes to cover lighthearted topics such as book bags, candy corn, and racial inequality. His comedic ability is blessed by whatever God you believe in, so as to not offend you. Jeff showcased his comedic talents on Comedy Central twice. Once with his appearance on Hart Of The City and again in his half-hour special, The Next Level, both produced by Kevin Hart. He’s appeared on Laughs on both Hulu and Fox and performs at top comedy clubs and venues across the country. He has performed in Atlanta’s Laughing Skull Comedy Festival, the Boston Comedy Festival, Limestone, and the Oddball Comedy & Curiosity Festival. Jeff possesses the rare versatility to connect with diverse audiences and doesn’t shy away from unique locations. He’s performed in theaters, living rooms, dispensaries, weddings, ice cream parlors, nudist colonies, parking lots, backyards, museums, and hopefully on a “stage” near you!

Tahir Moore is a stand-up comic, actor, writer, and host. Originally from East St. Louis, IL, he graduated from Harris-Stowe State University in 2008. Tahir began doing stand-up full time after moving to Los Angeles in 2009. He’s has toured with comedians D. L. Hughley, Lavell Crawford, Affion Crockett, and more. Moore, In addition to starring in commercials for K-Mart, True Car, and Verizon, can be seen in his recurring role as “Fast Mike” on HBO’s Insecure. He also hosts a few shows on All Def Digital and Kev On Stage Studios including Wording is Hard and Zooming with the Homies. Tahir is currently on the road with Tony Baker and Kev On Stage as part of the Real Comedians of Social Media tour.

Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @tahirmoore Official Website: www.tahirmoore.com