She’s the girl that made everyone laugh growing up during economics class, only to become the woman who helps us enjoy the nightlife with her premier brand of comedy. As part of We Own The’s Comedian of the Day, have a few laughs and get to know comedian Jenn Gonzalez. The San Jose, CA native shares with us some of her favorite moments in stand-up comedy and lets us know how she owns the laughs.
Name: Jenn Gonzalez
Hometown: San Jose, CA/Los Angeles, CA
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: @thejenngonzalez
Years in Comedy: 4 years, coming up on 5. (3 if you don’t include the pandemic)
Haven’t we seen you somewhere before: I was once an extra as a “Delinquent Teen” on Wives with Knives
Comedic Influences: Bill Burr, Wanda Sykes, Rodney Dangerfield, and Joan Rivers
Favorite Comedy Album: Bill Burr “Let It Go”
Favorite Comedy Special: Everything Dave Chappelle has released.
Favorite Comedy Movie: The Birdcage
Favorite Comedy TV Show: RuPaul’s Drag Race
Favorite Comedic Character: Lucy Ricardo
Favorite City to Perform In: I’ll tell you what city I don’t like performing in…Seattle, WA.
Favorite Topics to Joke About: Me and definitely my grandma. She was so unintentionally funny which I find to be the best kind of funny.
Favorite Type of Audience for a Comedy Show: People who are there to have a good time and ready to laugh. Just enough drunk too.
Favorite Comedy Club: The Comedy Palace in San Diego, CA (RIP)
How did you discover your passion for comedy:
My grandpa let me listen to Rodney Dangerfield at too early of an age, but he loved telling us jokes (that were also not age-appropriate) and making us laugh, which I then loved repeating and making others laugh.
What do you remember most about your first time performing stand-up comedy:
I went to a show that my ex (who at the time was doing stand-up) was on, just to watch and support. He knew I was interested in trying out stand up and one of the comics dropped out of the show an hour before, to which the producer asked if I wanted to do 5 minutes. I ended up doing 3 and fled the stage.
How would you describe your comedic style:
Dry, sassy, & sarcastic.
Describe your process for comedic writing:
I write. I’ve always been a writer. And I keep writing until I hate what I just wrote and scrap the whole idea altogether and start the process all over again. I’m amazed I have any jokes at all.
Describe the comedy scene in your area:
How do you judge success in the world of comedy:
When people can quote your jokes and it still makes them laugh.
Who are some of your comedic peers that you enjoy watching perform or inspire you personally and professionally:
Aivy Cordova is a beast as a comic, as a mother, as a woman, as a friend. I’m in awe of her and her hustle. I always enjoy watching Mean Dave on stage and love talking comedy off stage. Saul Trujillo makes me double over laughing even though I’ve heard his jokes multiple times. Arturo Raygoza is a joy to watch on stage and it’s crazy that he’s able to produce all the shows that he does. I can go on and on and on…
What’s been your most memorable moment in comedy:
Winning the US Comedy contest for two years and under the category or being heckled by a guy selling barbecued meat in the middle of my set. I lost half the crowd to him.
What have you learned most from your failures in comedy:
That I have an amazing support system.
How do people react towards you when they realize that you can make people laugh:
I’m pretty quiet when I first meet people, so I’m sure the first thing is the shock that I speak at all, let alone make people laugh.

Describe what it’s been like building a career in stand-up comedy:
It’s fun for sure, but it’s definitely been a difficult road. Lots of driving to shit gigs, dealing with difficult people, and being looked past, especially as a woman. But even with all that, I’ve met some incredible people and have laughed a lot. I love it!
If you could change one thing in the world of comedy, what would it be:
When people go on stage and say, “What else should I talk about?”. I don’t know bro! You had all day to figure this out!
Best advice you’ve ever received from a comedian:
“Always get paid upfront.” – Dean Delray
If you were releasing a comedy special this week, what would it be called:
Bus Stop 10
Funniest encounter you’ve ever had with a celebrity:
I worked at a recording studio and Samuel L. Jackson came in to record. He was scheduled for an hour. He came in, recorded for 10 minutes, and was done. I looked at him and said, “Wow! You’re done already?” without even thinking about it said, “It’s easy when you know what you’re doing baby!”
Weirdest place you’ve ever performed any form of comedy:
A club that was used for teaching orgies.
A Jenn Gonzalez Fun Fact:
I work on a game show. And no, I won’t say which one, and no, I can’t get you on.
Where would you like your laughs to take you:
The ultimate goal would be to write my own tv show and make enough money to make people laugh so that I can pay all my bills.
What would you tell a potential comedian if they ask you how they can own the laughs:
You would probably need an attorney for that.
What are your thoughts on the future of comedy:
I love seeing where comedy is going, especially with all the new voices that are finally getting the opportunity to speak out. That can give a fresh perspective. I hate how funny the internet has become because it makes me kick myself for not thinking of it first. I’m excited!
If you could choose 1 comedy club and 3 comedians to perform with on your perfect comedy show, how would it go:
I would choose Rodney Dangerfield, Moms Mabley, and Dave Chappelle, in some small dive bar. And everyone would freak out either cause it’s Dave Chappelle or the fact that two of the comedians have been dead for a while.

What’s next for you:
I took a very much-needed mental health break from comedy for about a year and a half, so I am hitting the ground jogging. I’m traveling and doing comedy again, which has been amazing! I’m hoping to have a website and merch soon.
Why should a person always laugh at life:
Laughing is what saved me, honestly. I think it’s the same for so many other comics. And you should always laugh at life because it truly is the best medicine, no matter how cheeseball that sounds. And laughing helps with your abs, so if you laugh enough, you’ll get a sweet 6-pack. That’s 100% true and doesn’t need fact-checking at all…
Watch Jenn Gonzalez performing in Mountain View, CA:
Follow Jenn Gonzalez’s comedic journey on these social media websites:
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: @thejenngonzalez