Home Film Eddie Murphy & Jonah Hill Set To Star in Kenya Barris Comedy...

Eddie Murphy & Jonah Hill Set To Star in Kenya Barris Comedy Film


This is a pairing up we didn’t know we needed.

It was announced today that Eddie Murphy and Jonah Hill are teaming up for an untitled comedy film over at Netflix. The film was written by Hill and Kenya Barris, the latter of whom is also directing the film. Barris previously worked with Murphy on this year’s Coming 2 America, which Barris co-wrote.

Though the film’s plot is being kept under wraps, the Hollywood Reporter noted that it will feature “an incisive examination of modern love and family dynamics and how clashing cultures, societal expectations and generational differences shape and affect relationships.” Both Murphy and Hill will find themselves on opposing ends of some of those divides.

The film will be executive produced by Mychelle Deschamp, Hale Rothstein, Matt Dines, Ali Goodwin, Andy Berman, David Hyman, and Charisse Hewitt Webster.


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