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Kathy Griffin Announces She Has Lung Cancer


Comedian Kathy Griffin took to Twitter this morning to make a big announcement: She has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is about to have surgery.

“I’ve got to tell you guys something,” Griffin wrote. “I have cancer. I’m about to go into surgery to have half of my left lung removed. Yes, I have lung cancer even though I’ve never smoked!”

Luckily, her doctors seem to believe that she can fight this. She continued, “The doctors are very optimistic as it is stage one and contained to my left lung. Hopefully no chemo or radiation after this and I should have normal function with my breathing. I should be up and running around as usual in a month or less.”

This is just the latest twist in what has been a rough few years. After receiving loads of backlash and being in the midst of controversy for a leaked photo with her holding up what resembled Donald Trump’s decapitated head, Griffin has been very vocal about her struggles with depression and even an addiction to pills. On top of that, Griffin’s sister Joyce even had her own battle with cancer that she ended up losing in 2017. In solidarity with her sister’s fight with cancer, Kathy Griffin even shaved her own head at one point.

She even commented on these difficult times she’s been facing in her tweet this morning. “It’s been a helluva 4 years, trying to get back to work, making you guys laugh and entertaining you, but I’m gonna be just fine.” She also added that she’s fully vaccinated, and that the consequences had she not been would be even more serious.

We’re sending all our best wishes to Kathy Griffin for a speedy recovery!