Considered by his peers as a “Comic’s Comic,” Tuesday night, the Los Angeles comedy community gathered outside of Flashback Studios in West Hollywood, California, to celebrate the life of comedian Fuquan “Fu” Johnson. Known as “Fu Flashback,” the event would be filled with memorable stories and laughs of Johnson by notable attendees, including Oh Mash (Dame Dash Studios), Dante Chang (Supernova Comedy), Rachel Wolfson (Jackass Forever), Rene Vaca (NBC Stand-Up), Teddy Ray (MTV), and KiKi Yeung (Crazy Woke Asians). Johnson had been a popular regular for years at Southern California comedy clubs and wrote for the online show “Comedy Parlour Live: Quarantine Edition.”
Over the weekend, Fuquan was one of three people who died from a drug overdose while partying in Venice. The Los Angeles police and the county coroner’s office would confirm that 43-year-old Johnson, Enrico Colangeli (48), and Natalie Williamson (33) passed away from a fentanyl-laced cocaine overdose. Comedian Kate Quigley would also suffer from a fentanyl-laced cocaine overdose but was hospitalized in critical condition after the incident. A few days later, Quigley would text friends that she was okay.
Actor/Comedian Marlon Wayans would pay tribute to Johnson on social media as word spread of his death.
Earlier this week, Jack Assadourian Jr. and the HaHa Comedy Club would hang the names of Johnson and Coangeli on the club marquee underneath the words “REST IN PEACE.” The club has scheduled a memorial service for them on September 15.
[…] Since the early 2000s, Mitchell has been glorified for his generosity when it came to up-and-coming comedians, as he’s connected to many of today’s popular comedians’ first comedy sets once they arrived in Los Angeles. Big Mike could not only teach you the basic rules that every comedian needs in order to maintain a positive reputation, but he was also quite the performer, headlining at various comedy clubs such as The World Famous Comedy Store, The Ice House Comedy Club, and The HaHa Comedy Club. […]
[…] Quigley would survive an accidental cocaine overdose that took the lives of comedians Fuquan Johnson, Enrico Colangeli, and Venice, California resident Natalie Williamson. Kate would spend a week […]
[…] the mass with good comedy as she finds herself at the Funny Media Group’s “Comedy Cube” in Los Angeles, California delivering an incredible 13 min […]
[…] 2014 and is available on every podcast platform as well as a video version on YouTube. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and producing partner, Lesa, and his dogs and […]
[…] a Mexican and Armenian family. Jack’s diverse family background and his parents also owning the HaHa Comedy Club in North Hollywood has given Jack a unique stage presence as well as an interesting view of the […]
[…] a Mexican and Armenian family. Jack’s diverse family background and his parents also owning the HaHa Comedy Club in North Hollywood has given Jack a unique stage presence as well as an interesting view of the […]
[…] Los Angeles comedian Maija DiGiorgio uses a brief comedic set inside of The Laugh Factory in Hollywood, California to tell us what millennials tell her she can and can’t say in her jokes. […]
[…] Skinner has performed standup in festivals all over the world. Currently living in Los Angeles, California, and originally from Richmond, Virginia. She’s appeared on The Pete Holmes Show, @Midnight, […]
[…] co-hosting her podcast, “Broad Topix” available on all podcast platforms.Sara Weinshenk is an LA-based comedian, writer, and podcaster. Since starting stand-up in 2010, she has made many loyal fans from […]
[…] her podcast, “Broad Topix” available on all podcast platforms.Sara Weinshenk is an LA-based comedian, writer, and podcaster. Since starting stand-up in 2010, she has made many loyal fans […]
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