Home Comedian of the Day Comedian of the Day (2/28/22): Alex Van Zeelandt 

Comedian of the Day (2/28/22): Alex Van Zeelandt 


It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to gain success in a particular field. Still, this southern sweetheart has enjoyed an incredible career in modeling, acting, and comedy, but she’s only getting started. As part of We Own The Laughs.com’s Comedian of the Day, have a few laughs and get to know comedian Alex Van Zeelandt. The Nashville, TN native shares some of her favorite moments in stand-up comedy and lets us know how she always owns the laughs.

Name: Alex Van Zeelandt
Hometown: Nashville, TN/West Hollywood, CA
Instagram/Tik-Tok: @avzbby/@tiktoknolikey
Years in Comedy: 1
Haven’t we seen you somewhere before: The Wolf Of Wall Street, Vynl, Hustlers, Maxim, & Playboy Magazine.
Comedic Influences: Richard Pryor, George Carlin, & Bill Hicks.
Favorite Comedy Album: Richard Pryor “Wanted” or Dave Attel “Skanks For The Memories”
Favorite Comedy Special: George Carlin “Life Is Worth Losing”
Favorite Comedy Movie: History of The World (Part 1)
Favorite Comedy TV Show: Trailer Park Boys and Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Favorite Comedic Character: Alex Jones (Laughs)
Favorite City to Perform In: Los Angeles, California
Favorite Topics to Joke About: Myself and my dark thoughts.
Favorite Type of Audience for a Comedy Show: Personally, anyone who isn’t white knows how to handle a joke. Give me a black or Hispanic room any day.
Favorite Comedy Club: Zanies Nashville

How did you discover your passion for comedy:
It actually found me. I was grieving the death of my mother and drinking to excess. I was alone and dying inside. I decided to quit drinking on my own and discover who I really am all over again. Years of modeling and acting had me questioning my actual happiness. That’s when a dear friend and the booker of Zanies Nashville started putting on a weekly show for local comics and famous headliners to working on their craft. I was relearning to live life as a sober person and decided to go after her invite. It became my weekly sanctuary. I was there watching some of the greatest acts in the world as they pass through town. During one evening in November, it finally dawned on me why I had the years of Stanislavski theater, films, TV, music videos, and modeling as a developed skill. At that moment my past training made sense and I knew what I had to do. That night when I got in I poured the entirety of my heart and soul to learn everything I could out of respect for the craft. I gave myself a deadline and crammed for 2 months of study before I’d take the stage. On January 2nd of 2021, I murdered that open mic, and I’ve never looked back since. The dark queen of comedy is here, and she is here to stay.

What do you remember most about your first time performing stand-up comedy:
I remember hearing the pulse of my heart as I walked up. It was audible in my ears with a steady rhythm of ease. When I grabbed the mic, I closed my eyes and told myself just let go. I wasn’t truly conscious of what I was doing, but I allowed for something that knew more than me to take over. That 4 minutes felt like a lifetime and the roar from the comics was the most uplifting experience of my life.

How would you describe your comedic style:
Very dark with room to think and reflect upon later. You may not remember everyone’s set, but you will remember mine.

Describe your process for comedic writing:
My process is every day I spend one hour in the morning. Throughout the week I compile different random thoughts and expand, outline, and script. Eventually, 1 out of every three is finished each day and put into my weekly open mic list (unless I’m polishing a full set).

Describe the comedy scene in your area:
Very good as I spend more time on the West Hollywood scene performing and my time in Nashville writing / open mics.

How do you judge success in the world of comedy:
If I can take your troubles away for the amount of time I’m on stage, that is a success.

Who are some of your comedic peers that you enjoy watching perform or inspire you personally and professionally:
Shane Bianchi, John Hickok, Rachel Sterling, and Amy Gross

What’s been your most memorable moment in comedy:
When Don Barris threw me on stage at The Comedy Store.

What have you learned most from your failures in comedy:
That failure leads to success.

How do people react towards you when they realize that you can make people laugh:
I go from some hot girl you want to f%ck to the dark queen you were promised.

Describe what it’s been like building a career in stand-up comedy:
It’s been generally easy. I don’t over-exert, or stress anymore. I don’t have any expectations other than to have fun. I’m doing this because I love it in the purest of ways. Not for fame or money. I just want to be on stage and make people and myself laugh.

If you could change one thing in the world of comedy, what would it be:
Obviously, not allowing people who can’t take a joke into a comedy show. Less heckling altogether.

Best advice you’ve ever received from a comedian:
Just do it.

If you were releasing a comedy special this week, what would it be called:
There are more than 7 words you can’t say at all.

Funniest encounter you’ve ever had with a celebrity:
I’m friends with a lot of them, so I’m entrusted with secrecy.

Weirdest place you’ve ever performed any form of comedy:
Green Jello Vision live stream comedy, music, and variety show was incredible and I can’t wait for next time.

An Alex Van Zeelandt Fun Fact:
I once worked at a strip club for one month as a waitress to save up enough money to throw down at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. It didn’t even last a full month because my mother’s ex-friend walked in with a bunch of younger guys and fainted in the doorway upon seeing me in a French maid outfit.

Where would you like your laughs to take you:
Wherever they’re supposed do. I don’t interfere with true purpose by having expectations anymore.

What would you tell a potential comedian if they ask you how they can own the laughs:
You must be authentic and say the joke with confidence. Otherwise, you lose the crowd.

What are your thoughts on the future of comedy:
That some people won’t have one if they continue to talk about politics and social issues all the time. Audiences are sick of it. Make them forget the current state of the world. It’s why they’re there.

If you could write one episode for one classic TV sitcom which show would it be and give a brief detailed sentence on the episode:
I honestly don’t know. I studied classic cinema, not TV, so I don’t know how to answer that one.

If you could choose 1 comedy club and 3 comedians to perform with on your perfect comedy show, how would it go:
Zanies Nashville with Shane Gillis, Dave Attel, & Louis CK

What’s next for you:
My We Own The Laughs show in Los Angeles, CA (Silver Lake)

Why should a person always laugh at life:
Because comedy will always find you even in the darkest of trials if you’re open to seeing the light.

Checkout Alex Van Zeelandt Interview on Whiskey Weed Women Podcast


Follow Alex Van Zeelandt‘s comedic journey on these social media websites:
Instagram/Tik-Tok: @avzbby/@tiktoknolikey