Home Film Tough Choice w/ Kazeem Rahman Feat. Neeraj Sirnivasan

Tough Choice w/ Kazeem Rahman Feat. Neeraj Sirnivasan [Podcast]


At this point in life, some choices might have seemed inconsequential, while others were major life choices. But in the end, all of these choices form together to create the person you are today and the life you live. Adding some comical humor to some of life’s wildest questions, comedian Kazeem Rahman puts your mind, morals, and funnybone to the ultimate test in a weekly podcast entitled Tough Choice w/ Kazeem Rahman.

Tough Choice is a comedy podcast where guests come and play a sick, twisted game of ‘Would You Rather.’ Kazeem Rahman hosts the show that some call “25 minutes of hilarious ignorance.” 

In this week’s episode, Los Angeles, CA comedian Neeraj Sirnivasan enters Ignorant Studios and has a hard time thinking about having a peanut allergy. 

Host of Tough Choice w/ Kazeem Raham:

Kazeem Raham (@kazeemraham): Hailing from Houston, TX, Kazeem Rahman has been heating up the comedy scene for some time now. His unapologetic humor keeps audiences at the edge of their seats and laughing from the moment he hits the stage.

This Week’s Special Guest:

Neeraj Sirnivasan (@mynipsdontlie): Neeraj Srinivasan is a comedian from Boise, ID now residing in Portland, OR. A first generation Indian-American, he found a passion for comedy in college and has been performing ever since. Neeraj delivers his unique perspective on dealing with race relations, modern media and John Denver’s greatest hits, all while maintaining his enthusiasm and whimsical attitude. He has performed all over the Portland area on shows such as Minority Retort and Midnight Ma$$. Neeraj was also featured in the 2014 Idaho Laugh Festival, was a finalist in Helium Comedy Club’s 2015 Portland’s Funniest Person Contest and a finalist in All Comedy 1450 AM presents 2015 Oregon’s Funniest Comic Competition.