Home Film Emma Arnold “Myself” Comedy Special

Emma Arnold “Myself” Comedy Special [Video]


Believe in yourself and your abilities, and it will take you all over the world!

Sometimes you watch a comedy special, and you want it to consume you, basking in its silly stories and charming moments.

But with this comedy special, you’ll begin being more comfortable with being yourself than ever before.

You’ll never laugh more than any moment in life than watching comedian Emma Arnold latest comedy special titled Myself.

Arnold released her fifth comedy album, Myselfvia Blonde Medicine. She has been through alot in her life, but by her own admission is in a better place than ever as she performs her latest hour at The Infinity Room in Salem, Oregon. She takes to the stage with the ease and joy of someone who loves what they do. 

Myself is thoroughly hilarious and disproves the tired thinking that artists must suffer to make something great—a notion that Arnold plays with as she jokes that she should quit comedy now that she’s so happy. From start to finish, this is a satisfying installment in Arnold’s already-impressive array of comedy records. Myself is brimming with side-splitting laughs and radiates much-needed joy.

Emma Arnold: Emma Arnold is an Idaho backcountry-raised comedian, author, artist, and beekeeper. Her self-produced comedy special, “Yes, Please” (financially backed by comedy legends Bobcat Goldthwait and Dana Gould) has 2 million views on youtube and she put out four standup comedy albums with Blonde Medicine Records in as many years.

She co-founded/directed two wildly popular comedy festivals and was recently featured in Forbes Magazine, who called her, “One of the hardest working comics in the industry.” In addition to touring, she has a popular podcast and patreon and is mom to three giant sons. Equal parts outrageous, thoughtful, engaging and honest, whatever the medium, Emma’s work is electric and straight from the heart. When not touring, she lives in Boise, where she keeps bees and children with varying degrees of success.