Home Film Ben Kirschenbaum “Best Picture” Comedy Special

Ben Kirschenbaum “Best Picture” Comedy Special [Video]


Best Picture by Ben Kirschenbaum is a hilarious comedy special by the quick-witted Ben Kirschenbaum, performed live in the heart of New York City. With sharp humor and a unique mind, Ben takes the audience on a laugh-out-loud journey through the tradition of getting married, the quirky cultural experiences of a vacation in Japan, and the ever-evolving relationships with aging parents. He also happens to know every Oscar’s Best Picture winner (which may explain the title) and seemingly has 96 jokes catered towards each one in his back pocket. Ben’s expertly crafted jokes and deep vibrato make this a special you won’t forget. 

Full disclosure: This description was probably written by Chatgpt; Ben is too busy binge-watching Oscar acceptance speeches.

Ben Kircscherbaum: Ben Kirschenbaum is a New York stand-up comedian and writer who currently lives ten blocks away from where he grew up. In his early twenties, he mustered up the courage to move to Chicago to pursue his dream of performing at Second City. Once he discovered that improv repels women, Ben moved back to his hometown. He’s written for MTV, Clickhole, and seriouslyTV. Ben performs all over New York and headlines across the country.