Home Previous News Israeli-American comedian Avi Liberman Recovering After Severe Car Accident

Israeli-American comedian Avi Liberman Recovering After Severe Car Accident


Los-Angeles-based comedian Avi Liberman is hospitalized in a Miami after being injured in a serious car accident in Florida on Sunday. He is reportedly awake and responding to commands after undergoing surgery.
Liberman, who was born in Israel and raised in Texas, is the host and one of the founders of “Comedy for Koby” – one of Israel’s longest-running and most successful English-language comedy tours.

Avi’s brother Micha released a statement on Monday saying that Avi “sustained serious injuries but he is recovering very well.”

“Doctors are concerned for audiences everywhere that Avi is on the path to a full recovery and will be performing again in the near future,” Micha added.

In 2008, Liberman partnered with the foundation to create the Comedy for Koby tour, whose sold-out shows brought North American comedians to perform in Israel in order to raise money for the families of terror victims.

The tour was the subject of the 2017 documentary “Land of Milk and Funny,” which the Times of Israel described as “Simultaneously sidesplitting and poignant.”

Comedy for Koby released a statement in response to the incident, saying “We look forward to having him back on our stages very soon” and wishing We him a “full and complete recovery,” asking his fans to to keep him in their thoughts and prayers.