Home Comedian of the Day Comedian of the Day (8/4/23): Brandi Denise

Comedian of the Day (8/4/23): Brandi Denise


A former social worker with a rare flare for entertainment, this female comedian’s over-the-moon personality has been featured on every one of comedy’s biggest franchises currently running, leaving an unforgettable impression at every turn. But don’t let her scene-stealing performances fool you because her best work is with a mic in her hand sharing wild life stories in front of a live audience. As part of We Own The Laughs.com’s Comedian of the Day, have a few laughs and get to know comedian Brandi Denise. The Los Angeles, CA native shares some of her favorite moments in stand-up comedy and lets us know how she always owns the laughs.

Name: Brandi Denise
Hometown: I grew up in a military family so we moved around a lot, but I’d say Hilliard, FL and Chicago, IL were two places I spent a lot of time when I was younger. I currently live in Los Angeles.
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: @brandideniseboyd
Years in Comedy: I’ve been doing this for 12 years.
Haven’t we seen you somewhere before: I’ve been part of Just For Laughs, appeared on “Abbott Elementary,” “Power” on Starz, “Games People Play” on BET, among some other things.
Comedic Influences: Hmm… Adam Sandler and Wanda Sykes, well, I’m not sure if they influence me, but they’re two comedians I like.
Favorite Comedy Special: I honestly don’t watch a lot of comedy on television, I’m not a comedy nerd, I just really enjoy doing it myself. I know that’s probably different from alot of comedians.
Favorite Comedy Movie: Similar to what I said before, I like comedy because I enjoy doing it myself, but I’m not obsessed – especially not with comedy movies. I’m definitely more into drama and horror.
Favorite City to Perform In: That’s tough, I like so many different cities. I guess I’d say I like small towns, those are the most fun shows for me.
Favorite Topics to Joke About: Usually it’s just day-to-day life stuff, family, traveling, grocery shopping… anything really.
Favorite Type of Audience for a Comedy Show: I like everybody; I don’t really have favorites, just as long as they’re adults.
Favorite Comedy Club: Jokes and Notes in Chicago is where I got a lot of my placements, but unfortunately it’s closed now. It was one of my favorites.

How did you discover your passion for comedy:
It really just started with a lot of people telling me I should do it; people thought I was funny so I decided to try it… I went to a comedy show and what they were doing looked easy to me, and I wanted to try it. It just came really naturally to me.

What do you remember most about your first time performing stand-up comedy:
Oh, it wasn’t good – I have a video of it up on my YouTube page, but I have it on private so no one can see it. It was just my first time, and I wasn’t that good; the timing was off, and I think I was being very performative… I wasn’t doing stand-up.

How would you describe your comedic style:
In a few words – witty, relatable, and energetic.

Describe your process for comedic writing:
I usually write while I’m on stage as I go. I try things out and decide if I like it or not, then do it at the next one and so on. I don’t sit down with a pen and a piece of paper, I don’t write like that.

Describe the comedy scene in your area:

How do you judge success in the world of comedy:
Success for me was once I started making more money than I was making working for the state and I could eat off comedy… just having a sustainable lifestyle.

Who are some of your comedic peers that you enjoy watching perform or inspire you personally and professionally:
Steve P., Mateen Stewart, Jason Tinney, and Punkie Johnson

What’s been your most memorable moment in comedy:
I was recently asked to be part of Kevin Hart’s reboot of the 90s BET show ComicView, and that for me was really big because that show was something I grew up on.

What have you learned most from your failures in comedy:
I would say that anytime you don’t get something you wanted or tried to do, it’s just a redirect and everything will be ok at the end of the day.

Describe building a career in stand-up comedy:
I don’t like to give advice on careers really, and it’s hard for me to describe how to do this because everyone’s career is different and starts differently, and looks different. I usually just tell people to do whatever they want to do; what worked for me might not work for you; you just need to know yourself.

If you could change one thing in the world of comedy, what would it be:
One thing I’d change is that it would be easier for funny black women to be seen as just as valuable as mediocre white men.

Best advice you’ve ever received from a comedian:
It wasn’t a comedian, but a producer once told me “You have the skills to be successful, just make sure your mind and spirit is right.”

If you were releasing a comedy special this week, what would it be called:
“What Are We Doing?”

Weirdest place you’ve ever performed any form of comedy:
When you first start, you do a lot of small shows, and like birthday parties in the backyard are always weird or performing in churches, I used to do that, and I wouldn’t do that now, ever again.

A Brandi Denise Fun Fact:
I started my schooling in Germany, and this is actually something I’ve never talked about, but I’m going to at some point. It was around kindergarten, I have a few memories of going there and not fitting in. I used to be able to speak German, but I can’t anymore. My parents never really could either – like I said, we were a military family so we moved around a lot.

Where would you like your laughs to take you:
I want to be in movies and become a household name. I prefer drama over comedy actually.

If you could choose ONE comedy club and THREE comedians to perform with on your perfect comedy show, how would it go:
That will be this weekend at the Atlanta Comedy Underground – it’ll be me, K. Dubb, and Vincent Bryant, and it would be sold out.

What’s next for you:
I’m featured in OFTV’s comedy series LMAOF: Los Angeles, and I’m very excited for that. I also have a mini tour coming up, I’ll be hitting 5-6 cities in the next month or two.

Why should a person always laugh at life:
I wouldn’t say they should. You have to feel all the emotions, you can’t always laugh at everything. Laughter makes things better, but you have to feel gratitude towards laughing. Sometimes you need to be mad, sometimes you need to cry. You laugh when the time is right.

Follow Brandi Denise’s comedic journey on these social media websites:
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: Brandi Denise
Youtube: Brandi Denise
Personal Website: Brandi Denise