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Katt Williams Halts Comedy Show After Fan Collaspes


After the unfortunate events that took place on Friday night at Astroworld, attendance safety during live events has become a major topic of concern for entertainers. Katt Williams would take safety matters into his own hands during a recent World War III comedy tour event.

Saturday night at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky, comedian Katt Williams would stop the show to help provide aid to an audience member who collapsed during his set. Williams would take a 10-minute break while medics rushed in to tend to the audience member. He would go on to pace around the stage and talk with other audience members until paramedics told him that it was safe to restart his performance. 

I’m sorry if I won’t move on but that Astroworld s*** I mean we can’t never continue till we know somebody motherf***ing good … I’m not goin’ to be leaving with that on my conscious … just take five minutes … thank you, sir … I hope she’s just having a baby. That’s all.” – Williams told the audience.

It’s unclear what happened to the man who lost consciousness. He was taken out of the auditorium.

This incident comes on the heels of Astroworld Music Festival and headlining performer Travis Scott who would continue his performance for 40 minutes after a stampede that left 8 people dead and hundreds injured. Also reported, authorities are investigating whether someone may have injected fans with some sort of drug that could have triggered cardiac arrest during the event.

Scott would issue a statement showing his remorse for the victims and their families as they deal with unfortunate tragedy.


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