Home Previous News Skankfest Vegas Announces Official 2022 Lineup

Skankfest Vegas Announces Official 2022 Lineup


After a successful movement of Skankfest out of New York and to the South last year, the comedy festival is further expanding in 2022 by taking the show on the road again.

At the top of the year they announced the show was hitting Las Vegas, NV in October.

The show producers – publicly headed up by comedian Luis J Gomez announced the Vegas event earlier this year but as of 12noon tickets officially went on sale along with a video drop of all the comedians performing. The list is long and great highlights include the Legion of Skanks (Gomez, Big Jay Oakerson, Dave Smith), Dave Attell, Bert Kreischer, Robert Kelly, Nick Mullen, Shane Gillis, Jim Norton, Tim Dillon, Ari Shaffir, Gilbert Gottfried, Eddie Pepitone, Bonnie McFarlane, Guys We F*cked (Corrine Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson), Yannis Pappas, Pauly Shore, Kim Congdon, Dan Soder, Are You Garbage? (Kevin Ryan, H. Foley), TJ Miller, Tony Hinchliff, Joe List, Jessica Kirson, Mark Normand and pretty much anyone else you can think of from the expanded GasDigital/LOS universe

Also announced is Jason Ellis and his Ellismania event. Does this mean Luis J Gomez and he will finally have they bought after what seems like 3 years of setting it up? Perhaps, and maybe Ari Shaffir will also spin the wheel of consequences.

2022 Skankfest Vegas Full Event Lineup:

Aaron Berg, Adam Hunter, Adrienne Iapalucci, Ali Macofsky, Amy Shanker, Annie Lederman, Ari Shaffir, Bert Kreischer, Blair Socci, Bonnie McFarlane, Brendan Sagalow, Brian Holtzman, Brian Redban, Brian Sixx, Calise Hawkins, Chris Faga, Chris O’Connor, Cipha Sounds, Colum Tyrrell, Corinne Fisher, Dan Perlman, Dan Soder, Dante Nero, Dave Attell, Dave Smith, Derek Gaines, Eagle Witt, Eddie Pepitone, Emma Willmann, Godfrey, H. Foley, Hadiyah Robinson, Ian Fidance, Jamar Neighbors, James Mattern, Jason Ellis, Jay Oakerson, Jeremiah Watkins, Jessica Kirson, Jessimae Peluso, Jim Norton, Jimmy Martinez, Joe DeRosa, Joe List, Josh Adam Meyers, Josh Potter, Justin Silver, Kerryn Feehan, Kevin Ryan
Kim Congdon, Krystyna Hutchinson, Leonard Outsz, Lev Fer, Luis J. Gomez, Maddy Smith, Mark Normand, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Matt McCusker, Mike Cannon, Mike Feeney, Mike Rainey, Mike Vecchione, Nick Mullen, Nick Vatterott, Pauly Shore, Ralph Sutton, Rich Vos, Robbie Bernstein, Robert Kelly, Ryan Long, Ryan Shaner, Sam Tallent, Sam Tripoli, Sara Weinshank, Sarah Tollemache, Sean Patton, Shane Gillis, Shuli Egar, Sidney Garnett, Steph Tolev, Steve O, Tim Butterly
Tim Dillon, TJ Miller, Tommy Pope, Tony Hinchcliffe, Tony Roberts, TuRae, Wil Sylvince, Yannis Pappas, Zac Amico & more to be added!

Skankfest takes over Vegas from October 14th to the 16th. Tickets are now on sale.