Home Film Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino Feat. Dan Soder

Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino Feat. Dan Soder [Podcast]


In this week’s episode of Whiskey GingerAndrew Santino sits down with comedian Dan Soder. The two chat about being two dummies educated in Arizona, getting embarrassed by Jim Carrey, why he quit the sauce ????, working in the service industry and his freudian love for his mother.

Dan Soder is a New York City-based comedian who’s best known as ‘Mafee’ on the hit Showtime Billions series. His HBO Special “Son of a Gary” debuted December 7th, 2019. He has a Half Hour Special on Netflix’s “The Standups”. His first hour-long stand-up special, Not Special premiered in 2016 on Comedy Central.

Other credits include: Comedy Central’s Half Hour, Conan, Inside Amy Schumer, and @midnight. Dan also hosts Sirius XM’s The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson, Monday – Thursday at 6pm ET.

Andrew stars in FX’s most-watched comedy series, DAVE alongside LIL’ DICKY. Santino starred in the SHOWTIME series, I’M DYING UP HERE exec produced by Jim Carey and directed by Jonathan Levine. He also appeared in GAME OVER MAN written and produced by THE WORKAHOLICS crew. Previously, Santino was the star of ABC’s comedy MIXOLOGY.

Andrew co-hosts the very popular podcast, BAD FRIENDS, with comedian Bobby Lee. He also has his own solo podcast WHISKEY GINGER and both combined accumulate upwards of a million downloads per week. His SHOWTIME hour-long stand-up special “HOME-FIELD ADVANTAGE” debuted in 2017. His COMEDY CENTRAL HALF HOUR standup special was released alongside his debut album SAY NO MORE on COMEDY CENTRAL RECORDS. Andrew was a regular guest on COMEDY CENTRAL’S @ MIDNIGHT with Chris Hardwick. He made his standup debut on ADAM DEVINE’S HOUSE PARTY and since has performed standup on CONAN and THE MELTDOWN WITH JONAH AND KUMAIL. Santino headlined at Montreal’s JUST FOR LAUGHS COMEDY FESTIVAL as well as SXSW and numerous venues across the country.

Andrew got his start acting and writing on the final season of PUNK’D for MTV and since then he has guest-starred on THIS IS US, ADULT SWIM’S CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, NETFLIX’S ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, HBO’S FAMILY TREE, NBC’s THE OFFICE, FX’s THE LEAGUE and HULU’s DEADBEAT.