As part of We Own The’s Comedian of the Day, have a few laughs and get to know comedian Bruna Portugal. The Teófilo Otoni, Brazil native shares some of her favorite moments in stand-up comedy and lets us know how she always owns the laughs.
Name: Bruna Portugal
Hometown: Teófilo Otoni, Brazil/Los Angeles, CA
Instagram/Tik-Tok: @itsbrunaportugal
Years in Comedy: 6 years but stand-up comedy less than a year.
Haven’t we seen you somewhere before: Totally TV Studios and Brazilian TV
Comedic Influences: Tatá Werneck and Dave Chappelle
Favorite Comedy Special: Dave Chappelle “The Closer”
Favorite Comedy Movie: What’s Your Number?
Favorite Comedy TV Show: The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Comedic Character: Amy Farrah Fowler
Favorite City to Perform In: Los Angeles
Favorite Topics to Joke About: Christianism
Favorite Type of Audience for a Comedy Show: Everybody
Favorite Comedy Club: The Laugh Factory
How did you discover your passion for comedy:
When I did my first Theatre play, I had a comic part, I never felt better in my life before and I never stopped!
What do you remember most about your first time performing stand-up comedy:
I remember I was shaking like a puppy, that’s all! (Laughs)
How would you describe your comedic style:
Horny Christian
Describe your process for comedic writing:
I write down everything I think is funny, sometimes it’s just a word, sometimes it’s just the punchline… when I sit to write my sets I look for a way for it to make sense with my life experience.

Describe the comedy scene in your area:
DIVERSE! That’s what I most love about LA there’s space and audience for everyone!
How do you judge success in the world of comedy:
Get paid for it! (Laughs)
Who are some of your comedic peers that you enjoy watching perform or inspire you personally and professionally:
Ksenia, she’s on fireee! I’m so inspired by her work.
Actually, I started doing stand-up because she gave me space in a show she hosted, I’ll always be grateful!
What’s been your most memorable moment in comedy:
When I performed at The Netflix Is A Joke Festival at The Laugh Factory!
That was unexpected and surreal. I have to thank TEHRAN for that opportunity, it’s was a dream coming true.
What have you learned most from your failures in comedy:
Learn from your mistakes and keep showing up EVERYDAY!

How do people react towards you when they realize that you can make people laugh:
It’s funny to see guys’ faces, there’s always this energy from most of the guys before I go on stage, like “you’re only here because you’re pretty”. Once a host literally introduced me saying “this girl is pretty and I bet because of that she thinks she can be funny, I’m really curious to see how it goes”. After my set, he apologized.
Describe what it’s been like building a career in stand-up comedy:
Hahahahaha… tears… (Laughs)… tears again!
If you could change one thing in the world of comedy, what would it be:
Comedians should feel safe to make jokes on stage, without the fear of being canceled, some of us are holding back all the time because we’re not big enough to come out of it if we’re canceled.
Best advice you’ve ever received from a comedian:
Don’t give a fuck about them, just have fun!
If you were releasing a comedy special this week, what would it be called:
“Sorry Mom, Sorry Jesus!”

Funniest encounter you’ve ever had with a celebrity:
Kim Kardashian. I said louder than I meant “omg her butt is beautiful”, she looked at me and laughed.
Weirdest place you’ve ever performed any form of comedy:
Half bar half strip club (I kept my clothes tho)
A Bruna Portugal Fun Fact:
I’M CHRISTIAN FOR REAL! People think I’m just making fun of it, but it’s my religion, that’s exactly why I can talk about it properly!
Where would you like your laughs to take you:
God, I have so many!!! SNL it’s an ultimate goal! A Netflix special 100%. Host an Oscar ceremony, please! And as I’m an actress my biggest dream is to have a main character role in a TV sitcom.
What would you tell a potential comedian if they ask you how they can own the laughs:
Be personal! As more as you can bring people to the weirdest things about your life, the best it is! Put it all out there!
What are your thoughts on the future of comedy:
I just wish we don’t get slapped on stage anymore.
If you could write one episode for one classic TV sitcom which show would it be and give a brief detailed sentence on the episode:
The Big Bang Theory. The day Sheldon converts into Christianism!

If you could choose 1 comedy club and 3 comedians to perform with on your perfect comedy show, how would it go:
The Laugh Factory w/ Dave Chappelle, Tatá Werneck, and Amy Schumer!
What’s next for you:
Hardwork! I’m completely open to wherever this journey will take me. I’ll keep showing up and I guarantee it won’t be boring!
Why should a person always laugh at life:
They shouldn’t, life sucks sometimes and it’s okay to cry, but don’t let it drag you, and remember there are more reasons to laugh than cry!
Follow Bruna Portugal’s comedic journey on these social media websites:
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: @itsbrunaportugal
Youtube: Bruna Portugal
Personal Website: