Home Film Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino Feat. Mark Normand

Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino Feat. Mark Normand [Podcast]


In this week’s episode of Whiskey GingerAndrew Santino sits down with the hilarious Mark Normand to talk about Santino’s Normand Impression, what’s his kink, sleeping next to Joey Diaz on the tour bus, and much much more!

Mark Normand: So far, Mark Normand has done a One-Hour Comedy Central special “Don’t Be Yourself”, a Comedy Central HALF HOUR special, has appeared on TBS’s CONAN 6 times,  Tonight Show with Jimmy FallonLate Show with Stephen Colbert, Showtime’s “Live at SXSW”, INSIDE AMY SCHUMER, TruTv, Best Week Ever, MTv, Last Comic Standing@Midnight and released an album with Comedy Central records titled “Still Got It” (it’s not bad). This year, Mark took first place at the Great American Comedy Festival competition. In 2013 won Caroline’s March Madness competition, beating out 63 other comedians. And this is a real shocker for all of us, but he was also voted Village Voice’s “Best Comedian of 2013”, I know, right? In 2012, Mark appeared on “John Oliver’s New York Standup Show” on Comedy Central, and in 2011 was picked as one of Comedy Central’s “Comics to Watch.”

Mark was born and raised in New Orleans, LA surprisingly to two normal parents. As a kid he spent most of his time shooting short films and wetting the bed. He started doing comedy right after college and quickly moved to New York. Mark now does comedy clubs and colleges across the country and has been involved in many festivals including Portland, Seattle, DC, Boston, Vancouver, Melbourne and in 2013 was featured as a New Face at the Montreal Comedy Festival.

Mark was named one of Comedy Central’s Comics To Watch for the 2011 New York Comedy Festival. Mark was also named Esquire’s “Best New Comedians 2012”, Splitsider’s “Top 10 Up and Coming Comedians on Each Coast”, and Time Out New York’s “21 New York Comedy Scene Linchpins”. 

Andrew Santino: Andrew stars in FX’s most-watched comedy series, DAVE alongside LIL’ DICKY. Santino starred in the SHOWTIME series, I’M DYING UP HERE exec produced by Jim Carey and directed by Jonathan Levine. He also appeared in GAME OVER MAN written and produced by THE WORKAHOLICS crew. Previously, Santino was the star of ABC’s comedy MIXOLOGY.

Andrew co-hosts the very popular podcast, BAD FRIENDS, with comedian Bobby Lee. He also has his own solo podcast WHISKEY GINGER and both combined accumulate upwards of a million downloads per week. His SHOWTIME hour-long stand-up special HOME-FIELD ADVANTAGE debuted in 2017. His COMEDY CENTRAL HALF HOUR standup special was released alongside his debut album SAY NO MORE on COMEDY CENTRAL RECORDS. Andrew was a regular guest on COMEDY CENTRAL’S @ MIDNIGHT with Chris Hardwick. He made his standup debut on ADAM DEVINE’S HOUSE PARTY and since has performed standup on CONAN and THE MELTDOWN WITH JONAH AND KUMAIL. Santino headlined at Montreal’s JUST FOR LAUGHS COMEDY FESTIVAL as well as SXSW and numerous venues across the country.

Andrew got his start acting and writing on the final season of PUNK’D for MTV and since then he has guest-starred on THIS IS US, ADULT SWIM’S CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, NETFLIX’S ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, HBO’S FAMILY TREE, NBC’s THE OFFICE, FX’s THE LEAGUE and HULU’s DEADBEAT.