Home Film Chris Smith Bryant “Gender Reveal Party” Comedy Special

Chris Smith Bryant “Gender Reveal Party” Comedy Special [Video]


Brace yourself, because these laughs can be quite revealing.

Los Angeles comedian Chris Smith Bryant shares his comedy with the world from many different angles as part of his debut comedy special titled Gender Reveal Party

Bryant discusses a wide variety of topics including being non-binary, autism, life in Los Angeles, and of course COVID.

Chris Smith Bryant: Bryant describes himself as a queer comedian. He was a celebrity judge on Netflix’s “Cooking on High” and was featured in the 2018 stand-up special about LGBTQI+ comedians titled “OUT On Stage (The Movie).” His material ranges from being on the spectrum, being queer, his gender identity, and being open about his mental health.

He said he shares stories about his life on stage because he believes in the power of vulnerability.

After moving to California at the age of 19 to distance himself from his conservative family in South Carolina, Bryant worked on his mental health and his entertainment career. 

In 2019, when Bryant was 30, he was diagnosed with autism by his psychiatrist. Through his personal development in therapy, Bryant also realized he was not binary to being a man.

He said his viewpoint on gender was difficult to change because of the conservative ideologies he has learned. Bryant now uses he/him, they/them, and occasionally she/her pronouns.

For Bryant, living openly as a queer person with autism has come to fruition because of his self-discovery. 

His advice to individuals on the spectrum who may be questioning their sexuality or gender identity is to be comfortable with changes when defining oneself.