Home Comedian of the Day Comedian of the Day (7/5/23): Sammy Weiser

Comedian of the Day (7/5/23): Sammy Weiser


A lover of all things comedy since birth, this woman is a rising star that epitomizes the phrase practice makes perfect. As part of We Own The Laughs.com’s Comedian of the Day, have a few laughs and get to know comedian Sammy Weiser. The Los Angeles, CA native shares some of her favorite moments in stand-up comedy and lets us know how she always owns the laughs.

Name: Sammy Weiser (AKA SWeiser)
Hometown: LA Born & Raised!
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: @sweiser
Years in Comedy: Ok this is a loaded question for me. I’ve been doing comedy my whole life! Started doing improv when I was 8 at a local theater, then did improv and sketch at UCB & The Groundlings as a teenager. 2 weeks after I graduated high school, I started interning at Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s production company, Point Grey, where I stayed for about 5 years while I was in school, just helping out in the office whenever I was back home. I went to Emerson College in Boston where I majored in comedy (it was basically glorified preschool), and that’s where I did stand up for the first time. Graduated from college in 2020, did a few standup shows here and there, then got a big kid job working on a new TV show for Seth and Evan. I started taking my stand-up really seriously in the past year. I perform almost every single night now. So basically- a long ass time. In general, but for stand-up specifically, a little over a year of doing it almost every day.
Haven’t we seen you somewhere before: Not yet, circle back in 2-3 years.
Comedic Influences: Will Ferell, John C. Reilly, Adam Ray, Chris Lilley,
Sacha Baron Cohen, Annie Lederman, & Tim Robinson
Favorite Comedy Album: I usually just listen to comedy podcasts because I see live stand-up comedy pretty much every day. I love Anniewood, Tea Time, and Bad Friends.
Favorite Comedy Special: Theo Von “Regular People”
Favorite Comedy Movie: STEP BROTHERS!!! I’ve seen it an unhealthy amount of times, I legit know all the words.
Favorite Comedy TV Show: The Kroll Show, Rick + Morty, Summer Heights High, Nathan for You, & I Think You Should Leave (I like them all too much it’s a tie).
Favorite Comedic Character: Ruben Rabasa in “I Think You Should Leave” (Season 1) during the car sketch when he says ‘oh my god, he admit it!’. Very niche answer, but if you know, you KNOW.
Favorite City to Perform In: My hometown Los Angeles!
Favorite Topics to Joke About: Weed, My Parents, & being Jewish that also speaks Mandarin (you know, all the classics).
Favorite Type of Audience for a Comedy Show: I love doing crowd work, that’s definitely one of my strengths as a comedian, so I love an audience that’s down to interact.
Favorite Comedy Club: The Comedy Store!

How did you discover your passion for comedy:
I was addicted right from the start. While other kids were watching Dora & Hannah Montana, I was binging Family Guy and watching Borat on repeat. From the second I could talk, all I wanted to do was make everyone laugh.

What do you remember most about your first time performing stand-up comedy:
It felt so natural to me and I had so much fun on stage. I finally felt like I found my thing.

How would you describe your comedic style:
Energetic, quick, & engaging

Describe your process for comedic writing:
Getting high as fuck and writing down insane rambling thoughts in my comedy notebook. I also love writing from the stage based on whatever happens naturally during my sets.

Describe the comedy scene in your area:
There is comedy EVERYWHERE in LA. All different types in all kinds of places. I love it. If I’m not performing in a show, I can still always find a show or mic to go to. Could always use more funny women in the scene though!

How do you judge success in the world of comedy:
I think once you’re doing shows with your idols and they know who you are/ think you’re funny, you’ve really made it. When your dream shows become a reality and you can make all different types of audiences laugh in all different types of places, you’re doing good.

What’s been your most memorable moment in comedy:
I once guessed where a girl went to Hebrew school during one of my sets in the belly room. As a Jew, that one really stuck with me.

What have you learned most from your failures in comedy:
To be strong and keep going! I once heard a great quote that goes something like “you have to die on stage to get better”.

How do people react toward you when they realize that you can make people laugh:

Describe building a career in stand-up comedy:
Exhausting! But so fun.

If you could change one thing in the world of comedy, what would it be:
Give funny women more opportunities!

Best advice you’ve ever received from a comedian:
I was talking to a few female comics that I really admire after we did a show together and they told me just to keep doing it. Keep getting on stage and performing as much as you can. One of my comedy teachers also told me that you can’t define yourself by your last set, good or bad. That has really helped me bounce back on nights when I didn’t think I did my best.

If you were releasing a comedy special this week, what would it be called:
“High, I’m Sweiser.”

Funniest encounter you’ve ever had with a celebrity:
I accidentally elbowed Danny Devito in the head once at a movie premiere.

Weirdest place you’ve ever performed any form of comedy:
Every comedian has a particular bar show that haunts them.

A Sammy Weiser Fun Fact:
One time I got so high that I forgot what year it was and I had to ask my Alexa for the answer. It was a crazy Wednesday night.

Where would you like your laughs to take you:
To be a paid regular at The Comedy Store one day, have an amazing hour special, and hopefully be a household name!

What would you tell a potential comedian if they ask you how they can own the laughs:
Always be yourself and give it your all every time you go out on stage.

What are your thoughts on the future of comedy:
I think we will continue to move in a direction where we see more diverse comedians. People want to hear jokes from different points of view and social media makes it really easy to target your exact
audience or discover your niche. I would also love to see an AI robot do stand-up.

If you could write ONE episode for ONE classic TV sitcom, which show would it be, and give a brief detailed sentence on the episode:
I would love an episode of Schitt’s Creek where the whole Rose family accidentally eats edibles. All the characters in that show are so bold and unique, it would be so funny to see how that would play out.

If you could choose ONE comedy club and THREE comedians to perform with on your perfect comedy show, how would it go:
The Comedy Store (Main Room) w/ Adam Ray, Annie Lederman, and Nick Kroll!

What’s next for you:
Performing at The Comedy Store 7/21, 7/26, and 7/27 next month! and trying to do more shows outside of LA!

Why should a person always laugh at life:
Because life is too important to be taken seriously!

*Checkout Sammy Weiser’s monthly stand-up show “The Sweiser Show” at The Crow in Santa Monica!

Follow Sammy Weiser’s comedic journey on these social media websites:
Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Tik-Tok: Sammy Weiser
Personal Website: Sammy Weiser