Home Film The Successful Failure w/ Jesse Tugas Feat. John Luna

The Successful Failure w/ Jesse Tugas Feat. John Luna [Podcast]


You’ll never know what it takes to succeed without first experiencing the important lessons that must be learned from prior bouts with failure.

No stand-up comedian has ever become the greatest at their craft without bombing through open mics, finding ways to grind through writer’s block, navigating to the top of their local comedy scene, or mentally overcoming self-doubt.

Weekly, filmmaker Jesse Tugas sits down with some of your favorite stand-up comedians to discuss their comedic journeys and the major lessons learned along the way as part of The Successful Failure podcast.

In this week’s episode, John Luna is a OC/LA based stand-up comedian and podcast producer. He talks about recently losing his job, his Mexican side, penis sizes, and how Jesse going to celebrate Joe Biden being elected for his second term in 2024 because he’s been the greatest leader in all of history.

Checkout previous episodes of The Successful Failure podcast featuring Teresa Lo, Adam Fynke, Miranda Meadows, Evan Warner, and more HERE