Home Film Wording is Harder w/ Tahir Moore Feat. Lauren Harding

Wording is Harder w/ Tahir Moore Feat. Lauren Harding


St. Louis comedian Tahir Moore constantly struggles with making words come out of his mouth correctly. Now weekly, Tahir challenges friends to a game of pronunciation titled Wording Is Hard. Each participant has to endure 5 difficult wording challenges with a fellow friend here to keep score and judge very harshly.

Lauren Harding is not a free spirit. She’s uptight, judgemental, just a little petty, and unapologetically confident. She was the only high school cheerleader that was too skinny to be popular. When she was a little girl she dreamed of being a Tejano singer but unfortunately, her Spanish was only about as good as her singing. So with a ton of resilience and an ounce of discipline, Lauren found a career where she could work the last days and make the most money. Nursing! Lauren graduated from the University of Arkansas and became a registered nurse. She has worked in pediatrics and mental health in some of the country’s finest hospitals. She studied comedy at UCB and discovered that she was much better at getting laughs than starting IVs. After all, being a nurse is great but she’d rather play one on TV!


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